Tuesday 9 December 2008

Krav Maga Edinburgh

Last night the ladies class focused on keeping warm as it was terribly cold. We did the old “summer abs” workout before crashing into the Kettlebells and concentrating on some offensive work on the pads and then putting it together in a few nice combative sets. We also had a look at some of the ripping and tearing techniques and worked in those ranges. Then the guys busted through the doors and we did an old fashioned warm up minus the kettlebells. I simply couldn’t face swinging them anymore after the women’s class!!! We worked on the pads and then against common attacks looking a lower body manipulation from Tactical Edge and then onto the impact weapon defences. I explained last night that we take this from the Tactical Edge syllabus quite simply because it’s BETTER. You train with the stick so you understand how it works so you better understand defences against it. Then onto the fight class where we worked some boxing combinations and then onto the sparring. No rest for the wicked as it was all timed rounds. Excellent effort by all. Its easy to sit in the house on a cold Monday evening but you guys are all making the effort – you should be proud.


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