Sunday, 3 February 2013

Strive for progress, not perfection

So you start training in whatever discipline you can think of. You seek out a role model and aim to be like them. You then beat yourself up as after a few weeks or months you don't look like them, play like them or fight like them. Keep in mind most of us will choose someone at the top of their game to idolise. That individual is paid and it is more often than not their profession to do what they do. Now you work 37 hours a week, have two kids, a wife, husband, maybe a second job and you need to fit all your training around that. YES, it can be done but don't quit too early.

Understand that little but often gains are good. Strive for progress, not the perfection you idolise. Small, regular amounts of weight loss, the ability to shift heavier weights over bigger distances. Learning and applying new techniques or being able to string more combinations together, even just surviving to the end of a class.  These are all good indicators of progress. I think the main thing to take from this is not to give up too early. I spoke with a guy last week who I train with and he told me that his girlfriend was going to start training. He told her she needs to give it at least 3 months. That's only 12 sessions to give it a fair shot. 

Remember in the early stages the warm up can feel like an exercise class, you have jargon and your body is being asked to move in a way that might be alien. Just don't give up and jack it in, be stronger than that and I hate this term but man up. Imagine, as a toddler you fell over and went well I'm not walking again, I fell over and I am not great at it the first time I tried it. So I am going to sit on my behind forever and shuffle. The same can be said for training. Stick in there, train hard, learn new skills.  It will change your life, I promise you for the better and for those around you.

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