Friday, 21 August 2009


Tactical Edge covered combatives and our elbow shield matrix. We turned this into various situationals before revising our defences against against grabs. Krav Maga played some reactionary games and then dealt with various positions of knife threats. Great effort by all attending.


  1. First class for some reason looked really bad, with pretty much everyone (me included!) messing up real basics. No sharp elbow strikes. Lack of proper body movement, not to mention driving impact through the hips. TERRIBLE and to tell you the truth, it's still going on my mind.

    I was wondering whether intorucing a penalty of 10 press-ups (group or just that individual) for not doing things as they should be, would keep everyone more focued... I can bet that after 50 of those, your focus would be pretty much instinctive.

    Contrary to the above, however, second class was just great, as if the club finally got warmed up.

    Fun reaction drill. Once we have become a little bit sharper, why not to give it a try with some real blades.. Totally different level of focus altogether.

    Overall, if not sheer frustration the first class has gotten me into, yesterday would have been just great. I guess there are simply times where a long day simply burns you out...

    As usually, big thank to Marcus and Lee for keeping everyone upbeat!

    See you on Tuesday.

  2. The elbow matrix we worked was in a drill format. It was to be worked as a drill not combatively. It can take time to get the correct footwork and the angle on the elbow. Remember people are working elbows on horizontal, vertical and diagonal plains. Sometime people simply get a little confused. That's why I stress during the drills to work slower and get it drilled correctly. No point, in going fast and making a dogs breakfast of it. I know everyone can hit hard and hit fast. I'm not asking to see that at the outset of a drill. Like anything new or nearly new just work slowly, get it under your belt and then when confident speed it up. I think everyone worked well over the evening. As usual any dips in training get picked up by an instructor and that happened in the form of group corrections.

    As for dealing out code reds that only happens when i see the cupboard left all messy or someone forgets to lock it. Or as in the other night somone spoke to me with their gum shield in slavering everywhere. I told you the joke in Holland was if you spoke to an instructor with your gum shield in then its 100 push ups. People need to relax, take the skills on board, have fun, practice at home. Most of all have just fun at training.

  3. Yeah if we started being punished for not learning drills fast enough then the group would probably be getting punished every 10 minutes because of me alone - not fun at all. what i like about this club is how co operative drilling is encouraged and ego's are left outside. i have learnt as much about respect, team work and confidence as i have techniques since starting with the club, hats off to marcus and lee for managing to enculture this.
