20 bodies turned out on a cold Sunday morning for a look into history and the methods that native Americans used on the battlefield. Mark explained that we weren’t looking at parallels and how we could really adapt the style for use today we were showed how they fought on the battlefield. The fighting style was basic but very effective. We covered the empty hand applications and then looked into how the edged weapon was incorporated and then the war club and the tomahawk. There was a lot history on the weaponry and the people themselves which was worth the trip alone. Mark’s next seminar is in the new year and will be on the use of the stinger. Make sure you get the date in the diary!
Wednesday Night With Mark Davies
Mark will be coming down to take the session on Wed this week as an Xmas gift to you all. Everyone from the Monday night class is welcome to come along and train. I think Mark is going to cover kicking and hopefully I will persuade him to cover some locking techniques. Make sure you are there for 6.30 sharp.

jealous :(